White Dog Studio
A supportive, non-competitive environment to get your core strong and body flexible.We are a down to earth, friendly and highly experienced team. We specialise in helping people with real, busy lives free themselves of aches and pains, find strength, fitness and time for themselves.
White Dog Studio takes a no-nonsense approach to Pilates, Yoga and fitness. The Pilates world tells us we are frail, vulnerable and need to ‘protect’ ourselves from the ravages of time. Nonsense.
The fitness industry tells us we can burn fat and look sh*t hot naked (and that this will make us somehow happy) in only a few weeks of bootcamp. Nonsense.
Regular, consistent movement, stretching and twice weekly sessions that challenge your strength are the ‘golden ticket’ to health, longevity, fitness.
The experience of our instructors, the spread of our classes and our welcoming community of members makes white dog studio the perfect alternative to a gym.