La Fit Studio Perth La Fit Studio Subiaco La Fit Studio

La Fit Studio

Fitness Classes that transforms minds.

We’re here to transform your body and mind. To re-write your story.
Our workouts are designed to change you, to take you on a journey.

It will be intense. We don’t mess around.

LA Fit Studio is the exclusive licensee for Lagree Fitness in Perth. Our small group classes on the latest M3S Megaformers burn fat and sculpt lean muscle faster than any other fitness program. Combining strength, endurance, cardiovascular, balance, flexibility and core training, Lagree Fitness classes burn up to 800 calories in just 45 minutes.

Our newest fitness class, Ride, is Perth’s first truly boutique cycle class. An endorphin-pumping 45 minutes of inspiring tunes and a unique riding experience in every class will take you on a journey to new heights in cardio fitness. Experience one of our Ride fitness classes and discover a new, fun and exhilarating way to get in shape this summer.